• flight of the navigator    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 惠眾企管顧問股份有限公司

      ...C) specializes in helping multinational and domestic companies recruit top-flight executive talent. Our philosophy is simple: to recruit exceptional individuals who meet the unique needs of each client. Our goal is to provide our clients not only an adequate candidate, but rather an ideal one.Identi...

      電話:02-27133337    地址:台北市松山區敦化北路207號10樓之1C
    2. 綠企鵝獵才顧問股份有限公司

      ...t enhancing our ability to provide clients with expert advice to help them navigate the entire employment and business cycle. We provide consulting services through GPTL, including HR consulting, research and diagnostics, talent recruitment and architecture and career transition, etc. GPTL has alwa...

      電話:02-25580313    地址:台北市大同區長安西路53巷8號1F地圖
    3. SITA

      ... servicesServices for airline commercial management, passenger operations, flight operations, aircraft operations, air-to-ground communicatio

      電話:03-3983336    地址:桃園縣大園鄉桃園機場二期航廈4024室
    4. 台灣日邦樹脂股份有限公司

      ...Adhesives products application data to our customer and become the leading navigator of Hot Melt Adhesives sales in Taiwan. Following the years, we imported the Special Solvent and Epoxy Based Adhesives, developed multi-products applied in Automotive assembly and Electronic/Electrical High-Tech conc...

      電話:05-2218801    地址:嘉義縣民雄鄉民雄工業區中正路13號
    5. 慶煌玩具有限公司

      Since the early 80’s, WE-Tech had been the premiere developer manufacturer of steel molds for many major airsoft companies for more than 20 years. With the ever growing airsoft market comes our reputation as being one of the foremost maker of steel molds, thus laying the foundation for our own ex...

      電話:02-22837811    地址:新北市蘆洲區中山一路339巷8號地圖

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